
Monday, October 5, 2015

Actively Waiting

Our lives are consumed with waiting. Waiting in line at the grocery store, waiting for that next iPhone upgrade, waiting for a meal to be ready, waiting to meet the perfect guy or gal, etc. Everyday we wait for something, and everyday we have a choice of how we are going to handle our wait time.

I am definitely the product of the immediate gratification generation when I say – waiting stinks. When I order my Chick-fil-a Spicy Chick Deluxe I expect to receive it stat or I’m getting hangry very quickly!

But when it came to starting this blog I had no problems waiting to begin. I came up with plenty of excuses about my lack of skills, time and material to delay this first post. Why was waiting to write my first blog post so different? Every other thing I have to wait for tested my patience and my willpower – but not this. 

It’s because I got to choose to wait. I was in charge of when I would write this and it was almost completely in my control. It seems as if my fleshly desire to control things is constantly rearing its head when it comes to waiting and – unless it’s my choice – watch out world…IMPATIENT JULIE might show up with heavy sighs and unpleasant eye rolls.

But at last I’ve chosen to end the waiting and begin this blog. 


Because I have had the blessing and challenge of walking through some difficult seasons of waiting, and, through it all, God has been gracious and faithful. I believe that deserves to be celebrated! I know my story of waiting is not especially profound, but it is my prayer that through this blog people will not only get a little glimpse into my Tweedt world but will get to see how awesome God is in the midst of every situation.

Back in college my waiting struggle revolved around looking for the perfect Guy. I was enjoying my time at Central College in the best town ever – Pella, IA – all the while constantly scoping and hoping that my Mr. Central Dutch Football Player would knock on my door and ask me out. 

I waited. And waited. And waited. And you get the picture. I kept waiting, and that guy never showed up. I was constantly pleading with God to fulfill the deep desire I had to be married one day, and I wasn’t sure if He heard me or if my waiting season would ever stop.

It was during this season that a wonderful mentor challenged me to do a study on the word wait in the Bible. Funny how I hadn’t thought of asking God what waiting could look like with Him in my life. I just wanted the waiting period to stop. 

As I read passage after passage about waiting I discovered something.  

Waiting is not passive. 

It’s not wimpy.

And it’s not a time to be lazy.

All the waiting I read about was very active. In the midst of waiting, people were still pursuing God’s plans for them. Those who had fruitful and enjoyable waiting seasons were still seeking to live for Him, and they weren’t sitting around moping about what they didn’t have. Joseph is a great example of this, as he chose to not waste his waiting period while he was in jail for a crime he didn’t commit. Rather than sit around and mope he actively helped those around him by interpreting their dreams.  

I also saw evidence of people honestly crying out to God about their struggles in their waiting. This was very reassuring. As I read the account of Hannah crying out to God about her desire for a child I was comforted that I wasn’t alone. Hannah begged God so much that people thought she was crazy! I have notebooks filled with requests to God with my waiting struggles, and I’m so glad He still wants to hear them. I’m sure if they were read aloud people might think I was crazy like Hannah, but it’s so encouraging knowing God would still want to hear from my crazy self.    

What I learned through that time of study was life changing.

I could no longer waste my season of waiting. I decided to actively wait. No matter how long I would have to wait to get married I needed to pursue God wholeheartedly and see what He might have in store for me in the present.

This lesson really transformed my thinking and my pursuits.  Instead of constantly focusing on what I didn’t have…a boyfriend…I began to ask God what He wanted me to focus on. I began to enjoy my friendships more and I began investing my time into younger women and students. This opened up a whole new perspective on life for me, and I began enjoying life in a fresh new way.

I love verse 10 from the book of John that says “The thief comes to steal, kill and destroy, but I have come that they might have life and have it to the full.” The way I was choosing to wait definitely was stealing my joy and was slowly trying to destroy what God had right in front of me. He had incredible opportunities for me to help people, to have fun and to learn, and my old method for waiting was trying to swipe those from me. Thankfully this new perspective and purpose from His Word helped me not only to survive the waiting but to actually enjoy my life in the midst of it.

It’s funny how listening to God led me to a joy that was so much greater than what I was searching for in a guy. It was one of purpose and fulfillment and lifelong joy. Jesus wasn’t lying when He said He offers an abundant life.  

Fast forward about 6 years to present day. My season of waiting to be married is over. I’ve been married to an incredible man named Ben for the past four years and it has been a wonderful adventure. Does this mean my struggle with waiting has come to an end? NO WAY!

Once one desire is fulfilled another desire so quickly creeps up. The battle to actively wait continues. We were married and then we wanted to be parents! To summarize, we have walked through infertility for the past 4 years of our 4-year marriage.  This included being diagnosed with PCOS, a blood disorder, 4 IUI procedures, 2 miscarriages, lots of blood work, tears, and massive swings of emotion. 

This season of waiting has been one of the hardest for me to endure. Yet it has been the best for me personally and for our marriage as I have applied my lesson of active waiting – pursuing what God has for me in the present. I have been able to focus on strengthening my marriage and the ministries God has given me. I wouldn’t trade the waiting for anything.

Even so, I can now tell the world that I am 27 weeks pregnant and due New Years Eve 2015. As I write this, I still can’t believe that I’m this far along in the pregnancy, and that this little life is growing inside of me. While there are no guarantees on how long we will get to parent this little one, we are trying to enjoy every moment as we actively wait for his arrival! 

I look forward to sharing more of my story, failures and God’s faithfulness in all areas of my life as I continue with this blog. Now the question is: how long will I wait to write again? 


  1. Thank you for sharing Julie. The verses you shared, God has used to speak to me in another area if my life so thank you! I'm excited to follow your blog and hear your story and be ministered to in the process.

    Congratulations on your sweet little man! So excited for you and the adventures of motherhood you face. I pray against fear as you continue to wait for baby Tweedt.

    Love and miss you sweet girl!
    Nichole Vos

    1. Thank you so much for your encouragement Nicole and for your prayers! I hope you and your beautiful family are doing well. I love seeing pictures of you all via Facebook :).

      Love and miss you back friend!

  2. Thank you for sharing Julie. The verses you shared, God has used to speak to me in another area if my life so thank you! I'm excited to follow your blog and hear your story and be ministered to in the process.

    Congratulations on your sweet little man! So excited for you and the adventures of motherhood you face. I pray against fear as you continue to wait for baby Tweedt.

    Love and miss you sweet girl!
    Nichole Vos
